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A Letter From Our CEO

12 May 2022

A Letter From Our CEO

A letter from Wim Buzzi, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of LIF 

While our refreshed website focuses on “how we do what we do”, I want to take a few minutes to share with you “why we do what we do” at let it fleet.

Throughout our careers, co-founder Alain Duez and I both earned our spurs in the field of international fleet procurement and fleet management. As Fleet & Mobility managers, we often felt that fleet software and services didn’t meet our needs and expectations. The lack of services in the market that seemed so self-evident to us, was our main motivation for the creation of let it fleet, back in 2020.

Less than a year after the launch, we welcomed two new partners in 2021: Thibault Degrande and Timo Latruwe, PhD researchers and founders of the software start-up modal mobility. The addition of that technical expertise allowed us to digitally transform our product and service portfolio and accelerate our growth.

As our vision & mission statement shows, our scope goes beyond procurement and fleet management. We specialize in merging the strategy and execution of both fleet and alternative corporate mobility. We like to see ourselves as contemporary corporate mobility architects, dedicated to helping our customers and bringing about a seamless organization of corporate mobility for them.

As the industry evolves at a seemingly continuously increasing speed, you as Fleet & Mobility managers are confronted with a new set of challenges. Sourcing suppliers and vehicles for the electrification of your fleet, setting up charging infrastructure and all that comes with it, or implementing flexible mobility solutions are just a few examples that jump to mind. These challenges come on top of the more traditional operational issues you face, such as the explosion of fuel and electricity prices, TCO management and the administrative burden associated with the order process of a car.

The reason we do what we do is that we genuinely believe that your workplace as Fleet & Mobility manager should be better, in particular in current times. In our view you should, thanks to smooth operational processes and enlightening analytics, be able to track strategy compliance, benchmark and challenge suppliers, and draft new strategic plans. Yet, your time is wasted looking for information you should already have. You don’t know who to turn to for help or support with a given project. You do things the hard way – not because you want to, but because most companies do not have the appropriate tools to enable their Fleet & Mobility team.

As we continue to design and build new products & services tailored around you, it’s our commitment to you to live out our values: AgileInnovativeFairAspiring. Helping our customers, doing the right things and having fun along the way. That’s how we do our best work at let it fleet.

We look forward to empowering you to do your best work.

Kind regards,

Wim Buzzi
Co-Founder and CEO, let it fleet BV


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